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Extensive remodelling of this once 1970s style house returned it to splendour, with new and antique stone and wood lending simple elegance throughout.


Within the house, Antique Pewter Granite adds interest to the bathroom vanity, while Golden Dune Granite provides additional warmth to the welcoming fireplace.


Outside, master craftsmanship abounds in the wall veneer, chimney’s tight joints and key hole view details. And, the home’s gardens and pathways are anchored in history with Antique Pewter Granite planks, stair treads, mill wheel, antique stone objects and a water feature.

Project Materials

Project Principals

Architect: AOME Architects

Interior design: Pamela Pearce Design

Landscape design: Pamela Rhodes

Rhodes new and antique stone
Antique Granite stairblocks
Antique Pewter Granite mill wheel
Golden Dune Granite chimney
Dune Granite wall
Dune Granite wall
Golden Dune Granite keyhole
Rhodes Antique Granite
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