Peter brings to Rhodes Architectural Stone over 20 years’ proven experience as Managing Director of a fifth generation family building products and property business, and now as Managing Director of Robertson Building Products in Australia.
Known for his diligence and pragmatic advice, Peter develops innovative solutions to the most challenging projects. You will benefit from Peter’s solid industry understanding and proven expertise at transforming his clients’ visions into practical, high quality solutions that exceed their expectations, every time.
Peter works hard with his Rhodes Architectural Stone team to be a design partner to his clients and a clear market leader, renowned for quality and unique products, absolute style and design innovation.
USA Team

Jason Lister, Operations Manager, USA
Applying absolute precision, exceptional spatial reasoning, clever analytics and creative problem solving to his work, combined with a tenacious focus on both detail and the big picture is all in a day’s work for Jason. Not to mention highly detailed estimating and value engineering. With over 20 years’ innovative design and drafting experience for complex and major projects, it’s really not surprising.
These invaluable skills are not only shared with the Rhodes Architectural Stone team, but also enjoyed, in the end, by our clients. It’s Jason’s dedication to every task undertaken, his clear and thoughtful communication, and his drive and determination to deliver exceptional results that brings accolades from the professional design community, general contractors, project managers, masonry installers and their clients. This is where his more than 20 years’ project management experience shines through and why he is such a valuable member of our team.

Angie Bushman Office Manager ~ Firebrick Sales
Angie brings her warm, friendly enthusiastic charm and dedication to helping both our residential and commercial clients in deciding the best material for their perfect fireplaces, dedicated to sharing her knowledge of our outstanding products she helps the client decide which of our amazing firebrick materials are best suited for your next project.
For centuries, fireplaces have been installed as a reliable source of space-heating, used to warm up cold days and dark nights. In their modern applications, however, fireplaces have transformed from a thing of necessity into one of visual interest and technological wonder. With such a remarkable development comes some complex decision-making and an endless aesthetic and performance factors to parse out. This is where Angie can best help you decide which materials best suit your fireplace projects.
She also manages our Business office and daily office administration.